Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park is a protected area located in the heart of The island of Borneo. This region has an important role in the hydrological function as catchment for Watershed Melawi in West Kalimantan and Regional aliaran Katingan River in Central Kalimantan. The forest area of Bukit Baka-Bukit Raya is a representative type of tropical rain forest ecosystem that dominates the mountain peaks Schwaner.
In this national park, there were 817 plant species included in 139 families including Dipterocarpaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, and Ericadeae. There are also medicinal plants, forest orchid, bungga Raflesia (Raflesia sp.) Which is the largest and also the parasitic plant growing on Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia.
Animals that live in TNBBBR among which bears (Helarctus malayanus), ferrets wisel (Mustela nupides), clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), jungle cat (Felis begalensis), golden cat (Felis badia), white wild boar (Sus barbatus), wild boar (Sus scrofa), an orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus), wau-wau (Hylobates lar), type of birds that live in this park among other hornbill (Buceros Vigil), oysters eagle (Pandion haliaetus), the kites (haliaetus indus), partridge (Lophura bulweri), and the Borneo pygmy quail (Polyplectron schleiermacheri) which is endemic to the island of Borneo bird most rare and endangered.

Forest area Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park dominated by peaks Schwaner. The existence of these mountains is representative of the type of tropical rain forest and mountain ecosystems with high relative humidity (86%).
Recorded 817 plant species included in 139 families including Dipterocarpaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, and Ericadeae. In addition there are plants for medicines, crafts, tools / building, consumption, and various types of forest orchids. There rafflesia flower (Rafllesia sp.) Which is the largest and also the parasitic flowers growing on Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia. Endemic plants include Symplocos rayae, Gluta sabahana, Dillenia beccariana, Lithocarpus coopertus, Selaginnella magnifica, and Tetracera glaberrima.

Species of mammals that can be found, among others, the clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), orangutan (Pongo Satyrus), bears (Helarctos malayanus euryspilus), red leaf monkey (Presbytis rubicunda rubicunda), lemurs (Nyticebus coucang borneanus), sambar (Cervus unicolor brookei) , flying squirrels (Petaurista banksi elegans), and striped weasel (Visvessa tangalunga).
Bird species live in this park among other hornbill (Rhinoplax vigil), rangkok rhinoceros (rhinoceros Buceros borneoensis), black hornbill (Anthracoceros malayanus), Common emerald dove (Chalcophaps indica), Little cuckoo-dove (Macropygia ruficeps), king quail (Argusianus argus grayi), and the Borneo pygmy quail (Polyplectron schleiermacheri). Kuau pygmy species endemic to the island of Borneo is the most threatened by human activity in the forest.
The indigenous people who were around the national park is a descendant of a group of Dayak Limbai, Ransa, Kenyilu, Ot Danum, Malahui, Kahoi and Kahayan. Their cultural works that can be seen is the ancestral wooden statues made of purchase wood, rattan / bamboo / papyrus and ceremonies.
Some locations / attractions to visit:
Bukit Baka. Climbing, exploring rivers and animal / plant observation. This hill has an altitude of 1,620 meters above sea level, and is often covered in fog, with temperatures between 15 ° - 20 ° C. Puncak Bukit Baka can be reached about seven hours drive from Hamlet Nanga Juoi District of Manukung.
Bukit Raya. Climbing, exploring rivers and animal / plant observation, cultural tourism. Bukit Raya altitude of about 2,278 meters above sea level, the air temperature is between 7 ° - 10 ° C. Long ascent of Nanga Jelun-dung, hamlet Rumokoy, Mihipit, Hulu Labang, Birang Merabai to the top of the hill about 3-4 days.
Senamang River, Sepan Apui and Ella River. Rafting, hot springs, desert grazing deer, wildlife observation and waterfalls.
Cultural attractions outside the Park:
Kaburai. Forestry Research and Training Station, located in the hamlet Kaburai. Gagu tumbles. Looking at the traditional Dayak longhouses (Longhouse).
The best visiting season: June / September each year
How to reach:
How to reach: Pontianak-Sintang-Nanga Pinoh (car), 460 km for nine hours and proceed to Nanga Nuak by speedboat for 2.5 hours. From Nanga Nuak to the Park for two hours by car. Or from Palangkaraya-Kasongan use the car for 1.5 hours, followed by speedboat for three hours to the Samba tumbles and tumbles into Hiran for three hours and tumbles into Senamang and Curses Sepanggi for two and four hours.
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